Made in Baltimore By Become Spellbound. Words from Kari, the maker:
" My goal is always to evoke the natural, unparalleled majesty we feel when gazing up at the stars: knowing we are all connected to everything that is.
The drive to work with crystals began as a child and has evolved over time. Taking a leap of faith in 2017, I left a successful career in the corporate world in Manhattan to begin creating full time. My process is highly intuitive and influenced by nature, science fiction, and fantasy. I drive to push boundaries and blur the lines between art and adornment.
I feel deeply connected to every piece I craft, mindfully hand selecting each stone and letting it guide the creation process based on its energy, aesthetic, and inherent wisdom."
Prehnite is considered a "stone of dreaming"; it is believed to increase the power of the dream state, strengthen lucid dreaming and promote communication with other planes of existence. It is also considered a "stone of prophecy," with long use by indigenous peoples of South Africa.
Although not a birthstone, prehnite is affiliated with the zodiac sign Libra. It is often associated with the third eye chakra.